The word “guff” or sometimes spelled “guf” is not what this article is about. It’s not about language but about mythological beliefs. The word “guf” is transliterated from the Hebrew word “guph” or “gup” and literally means “body.” In Jewish mysticism or mythology there is a “Chamber of Guf” called the “Otzar” which is Hebrew for “treasury” or the “Treasury of Souls” which was believed to be in the “seventh heaven,” wherever that is. For Jews, the Guff is a term the Talmud uses to refer to the repository of all unborn souls where near the Tree of Life was the Tree of Souls that was supposed to blossom, producing new souls which would then fall into the Guf or the “Treasury of Souls” and allegedly fell upward, into the believed, “seventh heaven.” This Tree of Souls was thought to be the source of all human souls that have ever lived or will ever live, but how Adam and Eve came apart from the Tree of Souls was never explained. They believe that when the Tree of Souls is emptied, then the Messiah would come and by their belief system, even a baby that’s born brings us that much closer to the Messiah’s return.
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